Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oden Gets Hurt Again. Will He Return?

Greg oden injured his foot in in debut game vs lakers not news yet on whether he will reurn or not

Derrick Rose: Rookie of the Year!

Yes i am going with chicago's finest, Derrick Rose, for Rookie of the year, he still has a long way to go to get to the next level but, he will win rookie of the year, but i am not unaware of Micheal Beasley, or O.J Mayo, but just not enough to be in the league with Rose.


Justine Smith lives and works in London, creating beautiful money sculptures for everyone to enjoy.On a physical level, a banknote is just a piece of paper, but it is what a banknote actually represents that is central to Smith’s practice.Her work as an exploration of our relationship with money and our response to it, in a political, moral and social sense, whilst also exploiting the physical beauty of the note.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jennifer Hudson's Tragic Nightmare

Until recently, it seemed like this week's column would be filled with usual fodder--a couple of trials, a couple arrests, an awards show or two, some Guns N' Roses rumors, a bit of Madonna gossip, etc.

But then, on Friday, tragedy struck.

At 2:44pm Friday afternoon, Jennifer Hudson's brother, Jason Hudson, and her mother, Darnell Donerson, were found dead by shotgun blast in Jennifer's mother's Chicago home. The bodies were discovered by Jennifer's cousin, who lived nearby. Additionally, Darnell's 7-year-old grandson, Julian King, was reportedly abducted from the scene--possibly by the suspect in this tragic double murder.

This news comes at a time when Jennifer should be enjoying the happiest time of her life--she just released her debut album, she's about to hit the silver screen again in the highly anticipated The Secret Life Of Bees, and she just got engaged to her lawyer/reality-star boyfriend, David "Punk" Otunga. But now, just as the dreamgirl is about to have all her dreams come true, she is instead facing this ultimate nightmare.

We here at That's Really Week send our deepest condolences to Jennifer and the entire Hudson family at this extremely tragic time


Monday, October 20, 2008

Things that people don't know about me

Things people don't know about me is that i love video games, and my favorite video game is mortal kombat. Another thing is that i am an indoor person, i really don't get out very often, i do not talk very much, i am a shy person. Sometimes when i am bored i write my own short stories, and i read a lot of books(mostly magazines lol). I listen to rock. Another thing is that if illustration does not work out, i want to do game development in the future.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Kanye West is Beast!

I can't wait till the album come out

Devin Harris gets clowned

Eminem is back!

Eminem announced his forthcoming sixth album would be titled Relapse and include the track "I'm Having a Relapse."

While the rap superstar stopped short of announcing a release date, he has previously indicated it will drop by year's end, likely before pal 50 Cent's Before I Self Destruct on Dec. 9.

The new album, whose working titles reportedly included King Mathers and Em-Pact, is rumored to include collaborations with 50 Cent, DMX, Obie Trice and Cashis, among others. In a recent interview, current chart-topper T.I. said he also recorded a track with Em that included both artists' alter egos, T.I.'s dark side, T.I.P., and Em's Slim Shady.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cool Color Changing Mood light

Color Changing Mood Light by Shiu Yuk Yuen is a lighting based on color therapy concept - did you know that rainbow primary color had their own unique healing function. The same concept applied by Shiu Yuk Yuen into this design, the light had a dim and bright side of different color which create a pleasant color tonal effect if you turn on the light. The light will changes color beautifully through the full color spectrum which creates a colorful atmosphere around your room. Made out of silicone rubber which provides a soft and smooth texture to touch on. It is easy to switch on, by simply pressing down lightly from the top surface of the light. This just too cool

New Art: Second Lives real cool

“Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary”, where over 50 artists and designers “transform the ordinary into extraordinary works of art.”

As the title of the show explains, ordinary items like used record covers, plastic spoons & forks and phone books are given another life by these extremely creative artists. There are: a big pyramid created with 9,273 plastic spoons & 3,091 rubber bands, a gorgeous chandelier made with hypodermic needles, and exotic jewelries made with safety pins, steel handgun triggers and wooden rulers.

at the museum of arts and design

New Cell Phone Watches?

New technology has really stepped up with this new model, they said that it will also have an mp3/mp4 player attached, i bet it will cost an arm and a leg.

With a compact clamshell style body and an outer display showing the current time and phone status, this cellphone works like a mega-modern digital watch.

The new Friday the 13th is gon be crazy!!!!

Im a real jason fan(even though he's not messing with michael myers) and i think this movie will be good.

What is the worst thing a parent can do to their child? Why?

I think that the worst thing a parent could do to their children is to abuse their children, verbally, and physically. If you verbally abuse them, you are discouraging them for example("you will never amount to nothing") most children get down on themselves because their parents do not believe in them. When most children are abused physically for example (hitting your children in public). It could mostly hurt the way they feel about themselves, and it is not normal for any human being to get adjusted to physical abuse. I understand that children are bad and make a lot of mistakes, but they are only children, there are many different ways to discipline your children without hitting them like they are grown.