Thursday, January 29, 2009

From Good to Bad

An event that happend to me was when i hurt my leg playing football. It was the worst thing that has happened to me in my life, so far. I could not play basketball my senior year, my grades were falling, things at home we worst than ever. I was just so depressed, i began pushing people away from me, and i felt like i was all alone, during that time. But during this whole situation, i did get a little something out of it. I read books, while i was healing, i learned interesting this on the computer, like how to use certain tools when typing a paper, and found a lot of scholarship, and job websites that has really helped. And i had learned how to walk all over again. The reason i said that is because people take simple things for granted, like walking, or whatever, until it is taken away from you. Im back on my feet now, but not 100%, im really glad i got to come back as quick as i did. My grades are as good as new. Im just glad the situation was not as bad as it could of been. I've learned that football is not my sport(ha ha),so i've been told.

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